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Chris Demma, Oil Painter

Arizona native Chris Demma’s oil paintings invite you the experience the rugged yet evocative beauty of the Sonoran desert landscape. Her contemporary Southwestern works are creative expressions of the exotic botanicals, light, and atmospheric of this singular place.


Demma, working from personal photos, searches for unique patterns, colors and shapes then translates her images into intuitive impressions that she shares with us through her oil paintings. She describes her purpose: “My primary passion is inspiring people to partake in the mystery and wonder of the Sonoran Desert."

Click photos for full size

blue abstract  4 x 4
Midnight in Paradise I
midnight  saguaro
Hoo Do's
blue flame  6.12.23
Amarillo flora on prickly
Growing Pains
Berries Jubilee III
Three Berries
Endurance 2
Survival 2
Determination 2
Midnight in Paradise III
Midnight in Paradise II
Juicy Fruit II
Pretty in Pink II





Fountain Hills Artists' Gallery

16858 E Avenue of the Fountains #103

Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268

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